Thursday, April 5, 2012

Thanksgiving Thursday

For those of you that don't know what Thanksgiving Thursday is, it is the one time during the week where you stop and basically count your blessings. Even if you've had one of those weeks, I promise you can find at least one thing to be thankful for, no matter how big or small.

This week I am thankful for:
  • Scott. This Easter will be his 3rd Easter as a Catholic. To this day I am still amazed and humbled that he chose to be a part of the faith that I grew up with. He didn't do it just because it's what the kids are I are, he did it because it was what he wanted. Now he is a 4th Degree Knight in the Knights of Columbus and I couldn't be prouder!
  • Aaron's silly faces and bedhead, they provide hours of entertainment via text between Tay Tay and myself.
  • Jill's rationale. The other day she said she had to have a snack because the doctor said when you're tummy shakes you need to eat. I have no idea who told her this, but it made sense.
  • Having a sister that I can communicate with strictly by photo text. It's awesome.
  • Mornings at the park. I'm always amazed at what the kids do and how they interact with everyone.
  • Neighbor's who are awesome and invite you over to swim.

What are you thankful for this week?