Monday, July 18, 2011

Soar with Reading from JetBlue

When I was a kid I loved to read and I loved summer reading programs from the local library. Yes, I was that kid. The kiddos love to read too, well be read to I should say. We participated in our library's reading program last year and are participating again this year. I really hope that our kids can have the same love of reading that I had and still do.

To help celebrate summer, and the local library reading programs, JetBlue has launched "Soar with Reading" a reading program with partner PBS KIDS. The program aims to keep children reading wherever they go this summer – with a combination of in-flight and online literacy resources, community reading events and a partnership with First Book, a nonprofit organization that provides new books to children in need.

Here's some quick facts about the program:

  • At the center of the program is the newly launched, where parents can download a free reading activity kit, create a summer reading list and log their children’s reading minutes, among other activities
  • For every reader who registers on, JetBlue will make a book donation to a child through First Book, up to 10,000 books.
  • This summer, Jet Blue is also sending crewmembers out to volunteer at kid-friendly events at local libraries all across the country. These global guides will read books to children, share stories about their job and their exciting travel adventures.
  • Child passengers will also receive activity kits on JetBlue flights as well!

Additionally, the campaign will support public libraries. At families can vote for their favorite library in the Soar with Reading Sweepstakes. The winning library will receive $10,000 worth of children’s books courtesy of Jet Blue and Random House Children’s Books. And if you enter the winning library, you will have a chance to win a trip to Atlantis!

For all of the official rules please visit the Soar with Reading site.

A huge thank you to the people at JetBlue and PBS for sending the kids a summer reading pack! Ok, now I'm off to vote :)

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