Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thanksgiving Thursday

For those of you that don't know what Thanksgiving Thursday is, it is the one time during the week where you stop and basically count your blessings. Even if you've had one of those weeks, I promise you can find at least one thing to be thankful for, no matter how big or small.

This week I am thankful for:
  • Scott having a four day weekend last weekend. It was a nice break, and even though we didn't do all that much, it was nice to have a break and relax.
  • Aaron, who is in love with our dog right now. He about had a total breakdown when Scott took her for her "spa" day.
  • Jill, my budding artist. Between painting (her face blue), stamping and coloring, I may have my own art museum by the end of the week.
  • Family no matter if they are near or far (cue Celine Dion: Wherever you arrrrreeeeeeeee).
  • An amazing dinner out with the Billings and then another great dinner with Dawn on Tuesday.
  • Tax free weekend, it was awesome.

  • Certain opportunities not working out, ultimately there is a reason and maybe that reason is that something bigger and better is coming.
What are you thankful for? You can leave your thoughts in the comment section or link up to your own post.


  1. I too am thankful for our copules dinner and just our dinner! I am also thankful for your steadfast faith in regards to your outlook and I know some amazing opportunity is on the horizon for you!! Let's do a dinner date again soon :)
