Monday, September 3, 2012

Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. I know far too many families that are currently battling cancer. I also know too many families that have lost that battle and their children are now among the angels.

Here's some facts for you (facts obtained from 46 Mommas):

  • In the U.S., about 46 children and adolescents are diagnosed with cancer every week day. That's about the equivalent of two entire classrooms.
  • Attempts to detect childhood cancers at an earlier stage, when the disease would react more favorably to treatment, have largely failed. Young patients often have a more advanced stage of cancer when first diagnosed. Approximately 20% of adults with cancer show evidence the disease has spread; yet almost 80% of children show that the cancer has spread to distant sites at the time of diagnosis.
  • Cancer in childhood occurs regularly, randomly, and spares no ethnic group, socioeconomic class, or geographic region.
  • Today up to 75% of the children with cancer can be cured; yet, some forms of childhood cancers have proven so resistant to treatment that, in spite of research, a cure is elusive.
  • Nationally, childhood cancer is 20 times more prevalent than pediatric AIDS. Yet, pediatric AIDS receives four times the funding that childhood cancer receives.
  • Childhood cancer is not a single disease, but rather many different types that fall into 12 major categories. Common adult cancers are extremely rare in children, yet many cancers are almost exclusively found in children.
  • Childhood Cancers are cancers that primarily affect children, teens, and young adults. When cancer strikes children and adolescents it affects them differently than it would an adult, often causing problems related to developmental issues.
  • The cause of most childhood cancers is unknown and at present, childhood cancers cannot be prevented. Most adult cancers result from lifestyle factors such as smoking, diet, occupation, and other exposure to cancer-causing agents.
  • Childhood Cancers are the #1 disease killer of children. More than asthma, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, and pediatric AIDS combined.
  • Common cancer symptoms in children — fever, swollen glands, anemia, bruises and infection — are often suspected to be, and at the early stages are treated as, other childhood illnesses.
  • On the average, every high school in America has two students who are a current or former cancer patient.
Crazy facts, right? We personally know two children who have battled, or are currently battling, some form of cancer. 

Sweet ^^Bryce^^ is the cutie pie that ignited by passion for childhood cancer awareness.  Scott and I both worked with his mom, Amy, when we were on Main Street back in the day. I remember speaking with Amy after Bryce was born and then hearing the news about him having Rhabdomyosarcoma.  Bryce spent 674 days 12 hours 56 minutes and 2 seconds on this earth and touched so many lives. He is someone I carry with me daily.

There are so many great organizations that you can visit to learn more about childhood cancer, or to support. St. Baldricks, 46 Mommas, and St. Jude are just a few.

Something else you can do is color a pepper at Chili's this month. You can also create a pepper on their website. The money from these peppers go to St. Jude's.

Please join me in supporting this amazing cause not only this month, but every month. 

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