I've got quite a bit to catch up on. Monday we went to Hollywood Studios, which was ok. There really isn't much to do when you have little ones there. There's a lot of shows, which are good, it's just the sitting and waiting, actually, standing and waiting part that still gets us. So we went over to Epcot instead. The kids got to see Belle and the Beast in France. Jill wasn't too sure about the Beast at first, but then Belle called her princess, and well of course everything was fine! Aaron was hamming it up for Belle. I tell ya, nothing is cuter than a smile with drool running all over it. It was nice to just walk around the countries and take it at our own pace, and not have to take the kids out every five seconds.
Yesterday we went to Magic Kingdom....yeah Magic...ok. The day started out pretty good, honestly, the kids took morning naps, we went on Cinderella's Carousel and Small World, then it happened. We went to Crystal Palace for lunch (side note, if you have the chance to go, don't, it's not that good, seriously) and Jill had a massive meltdown. I knew it was coming, she didn't nap on Monday and really only took a 30 minute nap at the house before we left. So Scott tried to change her, and apparently this woman who was also changing her baby at Baby Care decided to give Scott advice on how to calm Jill down. Ok, people, no offense, when you see someone with a screaming child do not, under any circumstances, talk to us. Seriously. She was telling him to give her frozen teething rings (yeah I carry those in my diaper bag for such an occasion) and to make sure they're frozen (um, you said that) and that not to use the swab Baby Orajel to just buy the regular stuff and rub it on. Scott told her to leave him alone, a few times, but she just couldn't stop, I think she had diarreha of the mouth, anyway, he finally shot her a nasty look and she walked away. Scott said he was hoping there was poop in the diaper so he could throw it at her. Then my turn came with Jill and we went back to Baby Care to be in the AC and a custodial hostess decided to walk me to first aid, because obviously something must be wrong with my daughter if she is crying that bad. Um, no she's teething, and tired, not much first aid can do for me. But yet, we walked over there. So after she was out of my sight I went back outside and Jill finally fell asleep. My Dad came out, not so please with lunch, and pushed her and Aaron around so they could both fall asleep and I could eat. I wish he would have warned me about the food, I would have gone to Casey's and gotten a hot dog. It's not that I didn't care for the food, it just sucked. Flat out was bad. Their only saving grace was their mashed potatoes and salmon. My Dad said the kid's food was pretty good too, but everything else, crap. But finally after lunch the kids calmed down and we went on Peter Pan's Flight and then went back to the hotel. Oh, and my Dad called some guy an a-hole and then another woman a b-yotch (which she heard by the way), so yeah all in all a magical day.
I have no clue what we are doing today, but I'm sure it'll be better than yesterday! Hope you have a great day!
Oh my..what a day! And you guys are trying to talk me into going there?? Sorry it was such a crap day..although your dad calling people names is hilarious! Would've loved to have been there for that..haha:)
Man! I miss everything!!
I know you must be mistaken, because my father would never use that language! hehehehehe
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