Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I hope everyone has had a very happy Easter! We definitely had a very busy day, starting with our very first egg coloring. I have to tell you the second those color tabs hit the vinegar I was immediately taken back to my childhood. Does that happen to anyone else?

The kids did really well, and there were only minor stains, which in toddler world is a huge success!

We waited to do baskets until Mimi and Paw Paw got here. Did you know that the Easter Bunny left baskets for Aaron and Jill at their house too??? Lucky ducks! He never left baskets for me at my grandparents houses. Here are the ones from our house:

I don't know who was more excited about the My Little Pony's, me or Jill. I will admit while the Easter Bunny was putting together their baskets they may or may not have spent a large amount of time brushing said pony's hair to ensure proper fluffiness and shine. May or may not...

Instead of doing a big dinner we had a big breakfast. I made cinnamon rolls, a Dutch baby (apple oven pancake) and Mimi's sausage balls. It was super yummy!

Hope you had a great day and that you remembered that is was about more than chocolate and Easter bunnies.


Shannon said...

What fun it looks like y'all had. Great Easter baskets for the kids!

Krajcimama said...

Looks like you had a great time! Hope the Little Ponies were a success! :)

We do breakfast with my parents on Thanksgiving (dinner with my hubby's family) so that we don't miss anyone and don't have to stress about 2 dinners. We eat cinnamon buns while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. I bet sausage balls would be great, too!

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