Friday, September 2, 2011

And 3 hours later....

Last night I took my break from potty training and went grocery shopping. I mean, it's not really a "break" or anything, but at least I wasn't taking anyone to the potty or cleaning up any accidents. Anyway, when I stepped into the store I saw the store manager, he's super nice and he asked where my helpers were. I told him we were potty training and I got the knowing nod; he's potty training his soon-to-be 3 year old daughter and it's not going well. I am so there my there.

After getting my shopping done the awesome store manager bagged my groceries and walked me out so we could keep talking about potty training. He said his 5 other kids weren't this hard. Yup, 5. I mentioned I was the youngest of 6 and he laughed and said "Well you seemed to have turned out alright, so there's hope yet!". I'll pause so everyone in my family can stop laughing and wipe the tears from their eyes.....We good? Ok then... But it got me to thinking about my Mom potty training all of us, I think I would have tied my tubes...myself, especially after a day like today.

Aaron finally went on the potty yesterday and I was so excited, it was like being in that last stretch of the half marathon, the end was near, cue the Gospel choir. He woke up dry this morning so I knew he was going to have to go at some point this morning. After sitting in the bathroom for 3 hours...yes 3....nothing happened.

He asked if he could take a nap and I gave in. I was delirious by this point and Jill had found a glue stick (this clearly is a topic for another post) so something had to give. I tucked him in and Jill and I settled in for some Snow White goodness. Fast forward two hours....

Aaron throws open the bedroom door so I can hear it. I get up and head over to him to take him back to the bathroom, which he is standing in front of at this point. He gives me the "eff you Mommy" look and begins to pee on the floor. Yup, outside the bathroom. I try to get him into the bathroom and onto the potty and the flood gates open. The entire time he is staring at me like some character from a Stephen King novel. I half expected an evil laugh, no lie. So he finishes and I get him cleaned up and it's like nothing happened. "I love you Mommy!" "Do you need help Mommy?" Are you for real? I hope all of his children do this to him when he and his poor wife are potty training them.

Now I have to get my game face back on and pray that it works.


Souza Sisters said...

Potty training is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do!! I remember after day 2 I bawled my eyes out. I was over it. Day 3 something clicked with Charlotte. Day 5 it clicked with Maggie. I hope it clicks with Aaron soon!! And major props to you!! You are doing nighttime training too?? We haven't conquered that beast yet...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

It's like the least fun parenting thing to do ever!

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