Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thanksgiving Thursday

For those of you that don't know what Thanksgiving Thursday is, it is the one time during the week where you stop and basically count your blessings. Even if you've had one of those weeks, I promise you can find at least one thing to be thankful for, no matter how big or small.

This week I am thankful for:
  • Scott and everything he did this weekend! I've never seen a prouder papa than when he helped Jilly down the aisle. Also, he took yesterday off when he saw how quickly it was about to go down (just like the airplane that hit my head).
  • Aaron, who even though he didn't do it on purpose, was really concerned about my head and immediately said sorry....for the airplane.
  • Jill who put on the dress and made it down the aisle. I'm not going to lie, I didn't think it was going to happen. She was the belle of the ball though and had an amazing time!
  • All the girls and guys that stood up in the wedding and made a point to make the kids feel included. It was awesome.
  • Bob and Vanessa including us in their special day.
  • Photoshop, which I hope the photographer uses on the woman that stood directly of to the side of the minister the entire ceremony.
  • The Minneola fire department taking some time out to show the kids their fire truck after lunch. That was so cool and unexpected. The kids are still talking about it.
  • Nights where you sit with family and eat cold stone creamery ice cream and laugh at Paw Paw who managed to get his everywhere.
  • Being able to call my parents whenever I need them. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am that I can do that.
  • A great friend that is reentering my life. I'm glad our schedules have finally gotten to the point that we can hit a happy hour together!

What are you thankful for?

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