Monday, November 26, 2012

Tales from the Sick Bay

The kids have this never ending cold and it finally hit the dreaded sinus infection point. Both kiddos have sinus infections and Aaron also has an ear infection. 

I remember talking with Lani after her kiddos went to school last year and she warned me of the perpetual runny nose and I was foolish enough to not believe her. I'm like 99% positive the kids have had a runny nose since day one. 

Even though we were sick this weekend we still managed to put up our Christmas tree  and the majority of our decorations. As is tradition (well at least since I received this ornament), this was the first ornament on the tree:

I loved this ornament growing up and was so excited when my Mom sent it down. My sister Cathy has the matching one.

Both of the kiddos helped me put up the decorations, but only Aaron wanted to pose with the tree.

Isn't he a handsome helper? 

Hopefully this cold/infection/plague is on its way out and does not return. 

1 comment:

cat said...

And I have a summer cold and sinus- it is dreadful. Hope they are way better soon

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