Monday, September 22, 2014

I'm Half Crazy

I'm in full on half marathon training...again. The difference is that I'm running more than one this race season (currently two, but possibly 4). I know! I'm clearly half crazy (see what I did there?).

Another difference is that Scott is running one of the races with me! I am so excited to see him complete his first half marathon. I remember the first time he crossed a finish line and the pride in his face. Amplify that by a million and that is what he will be like when he crosses the finish line in his first half marathon.

What else am I doing different this year? Well, to be honest, I'm taking it seriously. I'm eating right (says the girl who had a slice of cookies and cream birthday cake today), doing strength training and really focusing on consistency in my running. I am really hoping this is the season I come in sub 3 hours.

So am I saying I didn't take the other 4 half marathons seriously? Well, kinda. I mean I trained, but not really. Last year was the first year that I really applied myself and I hit the mark that I wanted to hit, so now it's about crushing that.

What else is this about? Ultimately, it's about being a role model for my kids. Ever since I really started running more than just a couple of races a year, the kiddos have been in to running as well. Jill wants to run all the time with me and our goal is to do one race as a family this year. I cannot wait for the four of us to cross a finish line together.

Are you a runner? Do you have any training tips that you want to share with me? I'm all ears!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think you will do awesome!! Also most of your runs are RIGHT after our "Florida winter" & I find that time so hard to stay motiviated. I think the fall weather will keep your training in check :)

Cheering for you & your whole family...always!

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