This week I am thankful for:
- Scott who does the littlest things that show his appreciation. Also the fact that he does not judge my spice hoarding.
- Aaron who has been quite the helper to his sister since she fractured her arm.
- Jillian who has been such a champ this week. This is the girl who acts like the world is ending when she gets a scratch, but is insanely tough when she fractures her arm. She has yet to ask for Tylenol by the way.
- Family all around us. Especially the ones that send silly selfies to make Jillian laugh.
- A much needed wine night with Jenn.
- An impromptu run with my honey on Sunday.
- A job that I enjoy and a job that has almost zero stress. Even during events.
- Moments snuggled up reading with the kiddos.
What are you thankful for this week?
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