Saturday, September 24, 2016

My Racing Bucket List

There are so many great races around the nation and quite frankly the world. I thought it was about time to make my running bucket list. Let's see how many of these bad boys I can cross off...

In no particular order...

  1. Goofy Challenge (lame that I'm putting this here as I am already training for it) This is where you run the half marathon and full marathon at Disney back to back. Boomshakalaka.
  2. Any of the Disneyland races. I want my Castle to Castle.
  3. Disneyland Paris half marathon. I want my Castle to Chateau (really the name of the challenge)
  4. Chicago Marathon because obviously.
  5. Chicago Half Marathon - you run on LSD (Lake Shore Drive, not the drug...obviously)
  6. Marine Corps Marathon. I want to beat the bridge.
  7. Covered Bridges Half Marathon. I can only imagine just how beautiful this course is as it weaves through Vermont. 
  8. Napa to Sonoma Wine Country Half Marathon. I feel like I do not have to explain this one.
  9. Key West Half Marathon
  10. Space Coast Half Marathon - this one fills up fast, but the medals are badass. 
  11. Kentucky Derby "minimarathon" - you run past Churchill Downs! 
  12. Run the Bluegrass - you run through horse country, it's got to be amazing.
  13. Rock n Roll New Orleans - running through the French Quarter? You bet! Better be some beignets at the finish.
Metro Detroit Chevy Dealers International Half Marathon - you cross the border twice!
  15. Stockholm Marathon - the views are breathtaking.
  16. Paris - either the half or full
  17. Hershey Half Marathon - I mean it's CHOCOLATE
  18. Bird in Hand Half Marathon - you run through amish country and the medal is a a real one
  19. Publix Savannah Half Marathon - It's Savannah and it's girl power and Paula Dean serves things dripping in butter there. Trifecta of awesome.
  20. Asheville Marathon - either the half or full or maybe (depending on Goofy) the back to the vineyeard challenge.
  21. London - I don't have a race in mind, but I know I want to run there.
I am sure this list will grow as time goes on. What are some good ones I missed?

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