Monday, December 10, 2018

Look Who's Back...Back Again

It's been a while...a year and four months to be exact. A lot has happened in the time, I'll save you the details, but in short, we bought a house (and survived), I changed jobs (and love it), Scott was promoted (I think? I can't remember), the kids turned 10, I ran two more marathons, a few more half marathons, and I do not want to admit how many pairs of running shoes I've gone through.

I've lost myself, I've found myself, maybe I lost myself again, and maybe I'm working to find myself. I realized I missed writing for fun. I write on a daily basis for work, but let's be real, it's boring and gray. (Is it gray or grey? I flip flop between the two)

I want to start writing again. I want to document my life, my struggles, my triumphs, my "you won't believe what the hell just happened to me" moments. I'm happy to be grab some coffee and let's start chatting again, I've missed you.

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