We went to the Kissimmee Lakefront park today with April, Hunter, Hadden, Hendrix, April's Mom (she was like the grandma to all the kids today it was pretty awesome), Lani, Lily, Ben and Cameron. It was a gorgeous day and honestly, just a perfect day to be at the park. We had a lot of fun just hanging out and playing. We went for a walk after lunch around the lake, which was nice, however, the birds. I don't know if you know this but I have a HUGE phobia of birds. I felt like I was in Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" at one point, they were all just coming at us. I hope that situation is taken care of before the March for Babies. While on the topic (nice transition, right?) the crew and I are participating in the March for Babies with March of Dimes at the Kissimmee Lakefront in May. On my side bar (right over there ------->) is a link to my profile page on the March for Babies website. The whole group of us are trying to raise $300 and any help you can give would be wonderful! If you are local and want to join us, you can sign up on our team page (there's a link from my profile), we would love to have you! Ok enough about that...
The kids took big kid baths again and I've realized there are some ground rules that need to laid down. For example, all water in the tub should remain in the tub. Jill is having a hard time with that one. She likes to take the toys and fling them over the side when they are full of water. Ground rule number two...we don't stand or crawl in the tub. Aaron is having a hard time with that one, but that's mainly because his sister hogs all the toys.
That's about it over here. I can't wait for the weekend to be here already, and I'm hoping those 3 powerball tickets I have on my fridge are the winners, come on $105 million! I would say I hope you win the powerball too, but that's not sincere, so I hope you have a great night! :) Oh and underneath is a video of the kids swinging, the wind was pretty vicious, so the sound isn't that great.
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