Sunday, September 11, 2016

Not So Cool Summer Morning Series Completion: AKA My Face Didn't Actually Melt Off

Saturday was the final race in the Sommer Sports Summer Series. This year the series seemed a little harder, maybe because it was a whole lot hotter this summer. That is not an exaggeration by the way. July was insanely hot and August was not much better. Plus the last half mile of the race is in direct sunlight. It's almost like running directly into the sun. 

Again, not an exaggeration.

Thankfully, I had my MRTT ladies to push me through the series. 

My standings for the series was:

Race 1: 35:57
Race 2: 37:23 (Remember when every day in July was 106+, yeah that was fun)
Race 3: 37:19
Race 4: 35:33

The bonus of suffering through the heat and humidity? A fifth medal!

Thank you to all my MRTT ladies for pushing me through the series! I'm so looking forward to all of the upcoming races we have together!

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